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Book an appointment
Make your doctor's appointment directly via the Wunschkinder appointment service.
Book an appointment
appointments | contakt

I’d like to ask 1, 2, 3, 4… questions about wanting a child…

Our information evenings are on the first and third Thursday of every month.

Every first and third Thursday of the month we hold an information evening in our practice, specifically covering the topic of IVF/ICSI. This is especially useful for couples who are considering the possibilities of artificial insemination.


We will inform you in detail - free of charge and with no obligation required - about the procedure itself and any risks that come with the therapy. We also welcome questions, if you have them!


The up-coming evenings take place on the following dates:



February 2025


Thursday, 20.02.2025

6.30 pm



March 2025


Thursday, 06.03.2025

6.30 pm


Thursday, 20.03.2025

6.30 pm



We look forward to your registration at: