Medical Director of the Wunschkinder Practice
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, gynecological endocrinology & reproductive medicine
Artificial insemination: insemination, IVF, ICSI
Desire to have children with same-sex couples
Social freezing
Desire to have children and solo motherhood
3D ultrasound for malformations of the uterus
Psychosomatic counseling in the desire to have children
Fertility protection
Fallopian tube patency test (HSSG)
Hormonal disorders and the desire to have children
Fertility counseling with advanced reproductive age
Professional career
Study of human medicine and license to practice medicine at the University of Leipzig
St. Joseph Hospital Berlin Tempelhof
St. Joseph's Hospital Potsdam
Doctorate to Dr. med.
VivaNeo practice clinic Sydow
Specialist certification from the Berlin Medical Association
TFP Kinderwunsch Berlin
Specialist laboratory approval from the Berlin Medical Association
Specialist designation in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine
Since February 2024
Wunschkinder Berlin
Since January 2025
Medical Director Wunschkinder Berlin
Stays abroad
Jacksonville, Florida USA
Havanna, Cuba
Bund Reproduktionsmedizinischer Zentren BRZ
Deutsche Menopausengesellschaft
Berufsverband der Frauenärzte
English, German, Spanish
Dr. med. Maurus Asen was born in Heidelberg and came to Berlin in 2012 after completing his studies and medical stays abroad. His medical career began in the delivery room of the St. Joseph Hospital in Berlin Tempelhof, which is one of the hospitals with the highest birth rate in Germany lead by Professor Michael Abou-Dakn. Dr. Asen completed his gynaecological-surgical training at St. Josef's Hospital Potsdam under chief physician Dr. Roberto Kurzeja as well as during rotations to the German Pelvic Floor Center to Professor Ralf Tunn and to the Breast Surgery Department of the Helios Clinic Buch to Professor Michael Untch.
From 2018-2023, Dr. Asen worked at the Sydow Practice Clinic at Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin Mitte. There he learned the complete spectrum of gynaecological endocrinology, reproductive medicine and fertility surgery with the founder and medical director Dr. Peter Sydow.
Dr. Asen lives with his family in Kreuzberg, has been strengthening the team at Wunschkinder Berlin since February 2024, and has managed the practice since January 2025.